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Hummer Knowledge Base

The Hummer Knowledge Base

Measuring Spindle Radial Runout:

0.030 is the acceptable radial run-out. Measure by:

(attach a dial indicator so that it contacts the studs at the top.)

  1. Turn the spindle by hand to register on each stud.
  2. Zero the indicator on the *lowest* stud.
  3. Check run-out on the remaining studs.
  4. 0.030 is the acceptable radial run-out for the spindle.
Caution: check each stud to ensure that it is not bent! Replace any bent studs before measuring run-out. Failure to do so will result in incorrect readings.

0.005 is the acceptable lateral run-out. Measure by:

(attach a dial indicator so that it contacts the machined face just outside the studs, at the top is usually easiest.)

  1. Turn the spindle by hand to register at each stud.
  2. Zero the indicator on the *lowest* stud location.
  3. Check run-out at the remaining studs.
  4. 0.005 is the acceptable lateral run-out for the spindle.
Spindles that display excessive radial run-out will often also display excessive lateral run-out as well.

Note: It is uncommon for a spindle to be bent. First suspect the studs as being bent.


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