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The Hummer Knowledge Base

Tightening Sequence for 2-Piece Wheel Nuts:

The sequence for the wheel nuts is similar to that of the lug nuts. Again, on the clock face: 12,6,9,3,11,5,1,7,10,4,2,8.

Ideally, you'd tighten all 12 at once. Since this isn't possible using conventional tools, you're trying to simulate the effect of doing so. This is best accomplished using the sequence above, or one of its symmetries. Tighten to a lower torque, then repeating the process one or more times to get to the final torque. I prefer the star sequence. It's standard for a variety of bolt circle applications, and is consistent with both the '94 and '97 service AMG service manuals. I can't speak for the other years, since I don't have these versions.


Also, when splitting the rim, I'd recommend, when reinstalling, to hand ratchet the rim-half as far as you can go. Then follow it up with the impact. But if you use an impact wrench through the whole process, you're going to upseat the O-ring from the vibrations and cause a leak after the tedious tightening sequence. If this happens, your going to have to disassemble the rim again and start over.

Now on to the sequence, your first sequence should be as Doug mentioned BUT, HERES THE KICKER, only to 85 LBs of Torque for the FIRST PASS, then finish it up again to 125 Lbs. on your SECOND Pass. I wouldnt recommend going all the way to 125 Lbs. on your first pass because you might break off one of the studs or even warp the rim.


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