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Pitman Arm Removing Tool:

I recently replaced the Pitman arm on a friend's Hummer. Here is a picture of the tool that I used to remove it from the steering gear.

This is the "official" Hummer tool (available from Kent-Moore). The tool works quite well, but the front sway bar must be partially removed for clearance to operate the tool.

Other (smaller) tools may be available.

The most difficult part of the job was disconnecting the Pitman arm from the cross link. I used a "tuning fork" type tie-rod separator tool. (A "gear puller" type tool might also work.)

Dave B.

(Click on photo for a larger version)

Other pitman arm pullers:

The Harbor Freight one works fine for me. You can get the same item from NAPA or Sears.

The Kent-Moore puller requires modification (or removal of the sway bar) for it to be used.

Dave B.

Then there's the autoparts store "loaner" puller... get it tight really and give it a few whacks with a heavy hammer if it won't come off... Many autoparts stores will loan these out for free, then its on their dime if you break it....


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