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The Hummer Knowledge Base

Smoke Odor Removal:

I'm looking at a 4DHT that's been smoked in. Is it possible to get rid of that smell? I've heard it's almost impossible as it get into the HVAC system. Looking for any advice...

Remove all carpet, cloth,and everything else. Wash good.

Then, take Medo's Odor Gun and spray it into all vents, intakes, etc. You'll need 2-3 bottles. Wipe away all collected goop that Odor Gun leaches out.

Works well - far better than Ozium. Far more work too...


If you manage to get rid of most of the smell there's still the ashes that get everywhere. Down by the shifter is frequently loaded with ash - and I feel that until it's cleaned out by the shifter and other similar places the truck will always smell at least a little bit.


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