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Hummer Knowledge Base

The Hummer Knowledge Base

Interior/Roof/Roof Leaks:

In answer to several posts, the roof leaks are happening along the lateral seams just behind the driver/passenger seats. This is a silicone-based seal that is also (I believe) welded underneath. What happens is: the silicone cracks minutely allowing water to penetrate and it just gets worse from there. The seam begins to rust from the inside out and pretty soon a torrent of water is running back and forth above the headliner looking for exits...usually along the roll bar cover..turn left, the passenger gets a bath..right it's on you!....

Oh, and I forgot...there is also a leak coming from under the dash just above and in front of my right nicely wets down my foot and ankle when it rains...

Richard Miller
"Wasting away in Margueritaville"

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