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Interior/Heater/Control Valve:

The problem AMG had is with the heater valve. It's under the hood on the passenger side. It has 4 heater hoses going to it. It is controlled by an actuator that is keyed into the valve. It seems that the way many assemblies were mounted caused the actuator to twist away from the valve leaving the valve part way on. The fix is a new actuator valve assembly and or correct the way it is mounted. Another indicator that the actuator isn't working is the flashing arrows on the dash board heat/ac controller.

Good luck


Is hot water valve not closing causing hot coolant to flow into the heater?

I suspect this as being my problem -- since the dealer recharged my system this past month, it helped a little, but I still get pretty warm air out of the ducts. Even with the back wagon windows open a bit to improve flow-through.

What do you suggest as a fix so I can hound my dealer's tech next time I take it in?

Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 00:18:18 -0400
Subject: Re: HML: New Truck A/C

The flashing is only on a 94/95 with the electronic temp control. Now that I have a 96 like you I will be getting into the guts. My A/C doesn't seem too good either. I just turned 500 miles. Changed the oil (break in) and filter. I've discovered that my new 96 has a drain plug on the transmission oil pan. This was something I was going to add to my 95 had I kept it.


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