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Hummer Knowledge Base

The Hummer Knowledge Base

Adjusting/Aligning Doors:

The following is done with the door open:

  1. Loosen the four twelve point capscrews on the pillar hinges (there are two per hinge).

  2. Lift the door as high as you can get it, then push the door forward until it stops (you will feel the door hinges pressing against the capscrews on the pillar). Tighten the four capscrews.

  3. Loosen the six capscrews on the door hinge plates, close the door completely and then tighten all six capscrews.

Tighten all capscrews to 6 lb-ft.

Loosen the hinges and pick up the latch end of the door until it is to the point you want, then tighten the hinges. No shims.

But... You may have to also adjust the striker so the door latches properly and smoothly. That was a PITA when I did the doors on my 95. Now I have to do the 99, but at least I've got experience...

I use a 2x4 and a lack stand to lift the door. Open the door about half way, shove the 2x4 between the door and the sill (towards the seat) or on the top of the rocker protection if you have it. Then use the jack stand on the end or the 2x4, outside the truck, to hold the door at the right location while you work.

Tighten the screws up well when done.


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