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Hummer Knowledge Base

The Hummer Knowledge Base

Armrest Removal:

> Is there a trick to getting the armrests off?  I heard they are the
> hardest part.  Any hints or things to watch out for?  Thanks
> Joshua 

First unbolt from the seat.

The shaft that holds the arm rest to the bracket that holds it to the seat is held on with a roll pin. Push back the fabric on the armrest around the hole, and you can see the pin. Push it out with a roll pin punch. Once the pin is out, the bracket will come right off.

Next remove the knob. DO NOT UNSCREW IT!!!! It is a press fit, and will come off with a bit of work. Don't damage the knob, either.

Next remove the black plastic cover above the knob. Remove the two screws, and it will drop right off.

Pull staples from the fabric under where the plastic cover was.

Strip off the cloth, from front to rear.

Install new fabric in the reverse order. Install the knob with a rubber mallet.


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