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Hummer Knowledge Base

The Hummer Knowledge Base

Limited Edition (1992):

Not all 1992 Hummers were Limited Editions. Neiman Marcos' special offer item in their 1991 Xmas catalogue was a red Hummer wagon, no frills, no CTI, no A/C. AMG made them for delivery to the purchasers in 1992. Also Coke Cola had a give away contest in the south for Mellow Yellow and a couple of black 4 door hardtops with the Mellow Yellow logos were made in 1992.

As to the 1992 Limited Edition color, the only color offered was Desert Storm tan. However, some owners wanted a different color and paid AMG an additional $1,500.00 for the different color. To our knowledge, one and only one LE was painted by AMG in the green camouflage paint - a 4 door hardtop that's first home was in the San Francisco area and is now in Germany. AMG did not do any more civilian Hummers in camo because of the liability potential (What's the definition of camouflage - disguised to conceal and therefore "can't see"!)

The 10th and 11th characters of the 1992 Limited Edition serial number is NE. The NE was only used for the Limited Edition and all other Hummers have different letters. The Limited Editions are the "cornerstone" from the military Humvee to the cilivian Hummer of today. Although we enjoy our '96 and all the changes that have occurred since 1992, our LE is our long range dependable off-road vehicle and our pride and joy. Hope this is helpful information.

Limited Edition #1000

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