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Hummer Knowledge Base

The Hummer Knowledge Base

Description of PMD/FSD:

FSD stands for Fuel Solenoid Driver. It's used interchangeably with the term PMD, which stands for Pump Mounted Driver.

The electronically controlled pump that your engine uses relies on the FSD/PMD to tell the injector pump how much fuel to send to a particular injector, based on input from the engine's main computer.

When the FSD/PMD starts to go bad, it will send the wrong amount of fuel to the engine, making it work wierd. The position of this module (in relation to the pump) is in an area where the heat of the engine and the heat of the pump itself will fry the electronics inside the FSD/PMD.

People have relocated the FSD/PMD to another area that isn't so warm.

Steve Y.

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