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Description and Troubleshooting of Electronic Throttle:

Does anyone know exactly where the cable that leads from the gas pedal terminates? I'm guessing that it's one of the connectors on top of the engine, but which one exactly? Then I can check for a wire fault.


The accelerator pedal goes directly to the PCM module.

Conn-C1PCM Conn/PinColorCircuit
44C29-A12PPAPP2 Ground (722)
53C29-B1BRAPP1 Ground (719)
17C29-B2DBAPP1 Signal (718)
32C27-C5LBAPP2 SIgnal (721)
60C27-D6GYAPP3 Ground (725)
15C27-D4DGAPP3 Signal (724)
14C27-D2YLAPP3 +5V Reference (723)
20C27-D12WHPP1 +5V Reference (717)
22C28-C2TNAPP2 +5V Reference (720)

As you can see, they are spread across three connectors (failsafe!) and each has a dedicated ground, and +5V reference.

DO the following tests:

1. Check on the accelerator unit:

D, G & E - Should all have +5V
A, B & J - Should have a ground
C, F & K - Should vary voltage from ground, to +5V reference.

The signals are also routed through connector C1, as shown above.

This information is for MY 2000 Turbo Diesel Hummers.

Peter H.

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