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Hummer Knowledge Base

The Hummer Knowledge Base

Removing/Installing the Soft Top:

It's not hard. But, having two people does help lots. The first thing that you need to do is zip out the back window, theres velcro at the bottom. Next take the straps located in the truck and un hook them, they have loops at the middle roll bar and the rear roll bar. My advice is to see how they are looped through at the middle roll bar (they are fed through in kind of a tricky way so make sure you can put them back how you found them). Then unfasten the straps an the rear roll bar, from there remove the sides going down the length of the truck (along the doors). The last step is kid of a pain this is where the TWO people part comes in. Fold the top on to the hood of the car and slide it out of the channel that secures it. Thats it, it goes back on the way it came off in the reverse order.

When putting it back on slide it through the channel very carefully, it tends to snag. It does not matter which way you slide it in and out of the channel. When you are driving with the top off, you may hear a whistling noise, that is wind flowing through the channel. You can stop it by putting something of the correct diameter through it (small rope, bungee cord) just to name a couple. Make sure to not fold the rear window, it will crease and never be the same. Same goes for the top, try not to bend it, the piece that is fed through the channel will not want to bend, its my advice to leave the top at home laid out upside down not folded in the garage. And now I can't wait for summer here in Wisconsin so I can take my top off again.

Rolling the top:

Here's the step-by-step procedure complete with photos.

I have removed the top on my 2000 truck many times in the short time that I have owned it. Not once has some one helped me. What I do is lay the top upside down on top of the hood. Start putting the bead on from the passenger side. You have to feed it in at the same time as pulling on it. When I have a foot or two in I climb on top of the windshield frame. One foot on either side and I continue to pull the bead through the channel.

The tricky part is the back window. It is not that hard but it is a little bulky when you try to get the top zipper teeth together.

I do not have a light bar but I do have a snorkel. I would imagine that the light bar would not come as a problem too much.

Chris H.

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