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The Hummer Knowledge Base

Replacing the Power Mirrors for Offroading:

I have always thought that the remote servo operated mirrors were ok except for several factors. First they are so tall and obstruct the vision terribly--I know they wanted to retain a few inches over the horizontal GM mirrors. 2. They are still so wide-with that hugh pivot and arm. 3. Even when you take them off for the trails --the you cant get that stupid control wire off without taking the door panel off and disconnecting the wire from the inside and pull it though. I nearly riped the wire off one time when 1/4 inch from a tree. 4. They weigh a ton.

Anyhow I took the mirrors off before I pulverize them both (worth 4-500 greens each I am told). Pulled the wires through. Filled the wire hole and the non verticle old bracket screw hole with caulk. Made up a bracket -1 x 3/16 x 8 inch high metal strip. Put a 90 degree bend 4 1/2 inches from the bottom. Drilled the holes for the mount to the door hinge and one hole for the mirror.

Got a Rally 4 1/2 convex mirror --painted black-for 5 dollar each and mounted. If you really want to get extravigant, Automan makes a 5 1/2 mirror for 6 dollars.

Now you have much more side forward vision. The mirrors come off with 2 slotted screws per side in a few seconds. If you smash one, you dont have to take out a loan to replace it. The stock mirrors stick out 9 inches each so you have gained about 6 inches in width when they are on. AMGs 85.5 width does not include the mirrors sticking out.

Michael Selig

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