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The Hummer Knowledge Base

Removing/Stripping CARC

The best method to remove CARC paint is to wet abrasive (sand) blast. It still takes a bunch of work and a ton of sand, but it does come off. The wet part keeps the dust out of the air and pretty much isn't a problem, just throw the sweepings away (After it dries) instead of letting the kids play in it. The bare metal will rust lightly before painting, so I light swept it off with a standard sand blaster then immediately primed with Epoxy prime before painting. The paint stuck really well. Karcher pressure washers offer a wet abrasive attachment, I rented one from my local dealer.

I did find one aircraft stripper which softened it, but it was an even bigger mess than the wet sand blast.


K-Chem CARC Paint Stripper III


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