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Hummer Knowledge Base

The Hummer Knowledge Base

Electric Windows - Repairing:

My power window has dropped and I can't get it back on track. Anyone know anything about these window systems?

It's really simple to work with, actually. Remove the inside door panel first. The window rides on a support bar and is guided by a rail on either side which are easily adjusted by one screw on the top and one screw on the bottom. You will need to get the door panel off to see what has shifted.

The window should be sitting in a metal rail at the bottom which raises and lowers it. If it has come out of this rail, it should still move upward. If the arm has come out of this rail, it will not raise or lower either. This arm is attached to the raise/lower motor assembly. You need to see if this assembly is still intact. Chances are your window is not off the tracks as there is not much room for this to happen.

If the window has come off the tracks it is improbable that it is anything more than lifting it up manually and adjusting the guide rails. Then make sure it seats in the bottom rail. Sometimes it's recommended to add a bit of adhesive tape to the bottom rail to ensure a snug fit.

Dean Palmer

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