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The Hummer Knowledge Base

"Marinizing" the Starter

Spoke to a local guy a few times now, who rebuilds starters and alternators. He confirmed that Marine or so called Waterproof (A MISNOMER)--Starters or Alternators do have only a few mods. Not much brass and no stainless parts as a boat guy told me.

I also called up Arco in Florida--they are one of the main places that do Marine rebuilds. He confirmed only these below mods are done with their certified Marine rebuilds.

In the Starter--there is a seal in the solenoid and a plate with a gasket and a brass bushing in the main starter housing...not much more. There is also a lot of RTV used. He sells a marinized 350 starter for $86. The Delco Remy number is a 5mt-I, believe. It has diagonal bolts.


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