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I read someones web page where they changed the wimpy hummer horn to a louder one.

I want to change it out, but I don't want to deal with air compressors that are associated with air horns.

You already have an air compressor and air tank. They are called CTIS and your tires. If you honk a long time, then you might think about refilling your tires!

If / When they ever get the auto-inflate system, then this would be perfect!


Horns from an IH semi, with a second air compressor (not the CTIS one), a small tank. Home made setup, but it works. There are several commercially available systems, which cost about $150-200 which are good. Avoid the $35 specials-tain't worth the trouble, IMHO.

Mounted my horn on the driver's side beside the tire (the plastic spash guard, next to the master brake cylnder.

Peter Hipson

For the sake of simply install and not spending a fortune I would recommend the Hella air horn kits available in 2 or 3 horn styles. They come with a relay and all needed parts. Sure you have to mount the compressor but it's small. They are well used for alarm systems by many people and are quite loud. Low priced too only $29.95 for the 2 tone one.
Tim 97 Fly Yellow Opentop

Try HELLA, they have a set of horns that bolt in directly and are really loud and terribly annoying. They also make air horns but these other horns have a much sharper noise, you can also combine them with the stock horns.
Tim Stinson

Date sent:        Thu, 26 Jun 1997 09:43:40 +0000
Subject:          HML: Horns and Books

somebody wrote:

Try HELLA, they have a set of horns that bolt in directly and are really loud and terribly annoying. They also make air horns but these other horns have a much sharper noise, you can also combine them with the stock horns.

Peter Hipson writes
Are they on the web?

Dick Barber writes:
Try Griot's Garage at 800/345-5789. They carry the electric non-air Hella's.

My business has them in stock and Terry at American can also get them for you. The Hella dual electric horns come in two styles. Both kits include a relay and mounting brackets. The 85104 kit uses trumpet style horns with one at 400 Hz and one 500 Hz. This is the one we use most of the time. The other kit 85115 use a 300Hz and a 500Hz standard style horn design. The 85104 kit sells for around $40-45.

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