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Hummer Knowledge Base

The Hummer Knowledge Base

Electical/Wiring/Running Wires Through the Firewall:

New Dimensions wrote:

ok I have a bunch of wiring to do and need to know where is the best place to run wires through the firewall? Any recommended good places?

I have always punched holes in the square piece the air compressor mounts on top of and siliconed them up so they wouldn't leak after the wires are through the holes. Stick your hand up above the brake pedal and that's inside the square piece.... make sure you punch or drill the hole where it won't hit anything on the inside...

You can also run wires up through the big grommet the pipes for the rear air-conditioner come through on top of the hump... lay down under the truck and poke them through with a long thin screwdriver...This hole is at the base of the doghouse where it meets the rear air cover on the passenger side of the hump.

For roof-mounted lights on a front lightbar you can take the three marker lights off of the top of the truck and run the lightbar wires through the hole behind the three marker lights. Getting the wires out inside the truck is kinda hard...we usually drill a hole in the inside of the pillar between the front windows at the bottom and snake the new wires out.

I dunno where the center marker light wires go, on the Hummers we have done we just got tired of looking and drilled our own exit holes.. ha ha...

For mounting lights on the factory brushguard we use the CB antenna mirror mounts... They clamp on very tight and work great with the lights...I think we had to make the antenna hole a slight bit larger for the light mounting bolts but its easy.

Hope this helps.


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