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EESS Information:

This info is from the Fort Hood Motor Pool Web Page:


The spares procurement for EESS has led to another change which I will commonly refer to as the One Piece Design. Because of the different configurations, we have established a generic NSN for EESS procurement purposes. The NSN is 6110-01-491-2158.

There will be three NSNs related to this generic NSN. They are as follows:

A. 6110-01-463-9260 - 2 piece design manufactured by KDS. This configuration contains a black control box with yellow label and a temperature sensor with a yellow band. The temp sensor gets installed in the water crossover pipe.

B. 6110-01-491-2142 - 1 piece design manufactured by KDS. This configuration contains a black control box with a bright green label. There is no longer a separate temperature sensor required with this configuration. It will not make a difference whether the glow plug controller (2920-01-175-7214) or the temp sensor (2920-01-469-6903) is installed in the water cross over pipe. The pin to this lead is dead.

C. 6110-01-491-2152 - 1 piece design manufactured by Signal and Systems, Inc. (SSI). This configuration contains a black control box and there is no separate controller or temp sensor. It will not make a difference whether the glow plug controller (2920-01-175-7214) or the temp sensor (2920-01-469-6903) is installed in the water cross over pipe. The pin to this lead is dead.

Any of the above NSNs can be ordered, you will get which ever is in stock.

There are NO Safety Issues related to these boxes/NSNs.

You should no longer get a blinking/flashing wait to start light when using the one piece design. The box should no longer go into default mode.

You no longer will need to troubleshoot the temp sensor/controller if you have the one piece design installed. However, be sure to keep the temp sensor/controller installed and connected.

Still need to make sure glow plugs are in good working condition - no need to automatically replace them, just check them.

Ensure that your connections to the body and engine side a good and tight.

The voltmeter will still fluctuate during after-glow activity.

Bottom line - the one-piece design is the same as two piece design except for the temperature sensor.

If you suspect a problem with the starting system (control box):

  1. Check batteries

  2. Check all 8 glow plugs

  3. If Wait to Start Light does not come on, but you had voltage gauge activity - attempt to start vehicle. If no start, check fuel system.

  4. If Wait To Start Light comes on and you have voltage gauge activity, and still get a no start - your control box should be functioning, problem may be fuel related - check fuel system.

  5. If no Wait to Start Light, no glow plug activity and no vehicle start; and all 8 glow plugs are good, wait to start light is good and connections at the body and engine side are good and tight, batteries are good - replace control box.

If you have run across any other scenario's, please let me know.

I hope this information helps. If you need any further information, you know where to find me.

Jody McInerney

Sustainment Maintenance Manager

HMMWV Sustainment Team

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