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The Hummer Knowledge Base


>         About the Ham licenses, I have been studying for the No-Code 
>     test, but is it very limited in its freq coverage?  Should I go 
>     for the 5wpm code test and try for more later.  I recall that for 
>     any other ham license you need 5wpm, 10, and maybe even 20wpm for 
>     the extra class.  Enlighten please.

Good for you!!!! Yes, there are several avenues into Ham Radio and the No Code Technician license is by far the simplest. Basically two written tests of 30 and 25 questions for a total of 55 questions. These are randomly taken from a pool of several hundred questions.

The No Code Tech license is not really that limited.....privileges are allowed on ALL amateur bands above 50 Mhz. Those bands are as follows:

50mhz to 54 mhz6 meter band
144mhz to 148mhz2 meter band
222mhz to 225mhz1.25 meter band
420mhz to 450mhz70 centimeter band
902mhz to 928mhz33 centimeter band
1240mhz to 1300mhz23 centimeter band

There are actually eleven more band allocations above that, plus, all the radio spectrum above 300 Ghz (Gigahertz, not Megahertz) is open game.....if you can find and afford the equipment for it, or even had a need for it. The 2 meter band is by far the most popular with the 70 centimeter band following close behind, and dual band radios covering both bands are extremely common.

Then, after obtaining your No Code Tech license, if you were to learn and pass the 5 wpm code test....(not that hard.....10 questions) would then be allowed on *certain portions* of several other ham bands down to 80 meters.....3.850mhz to 4.0mhz is the "Tech Plus" portion of the 80 meter band. Other bands you would have limited privileges on are the 10, 15, and 40 meter bands as well as the 80 meter band mentioned above.

I've only advanced to 'General'....which required another written test and the 13 wpm code test. The 13 wpm code test honestly was a b*tch for me....I had to force myself to learn that code....and I've haven't touched it since the very day I passed my test.

Not trying to turn the HML into a Ham forum though there does seem to be some common threads with obviously several Hamming Humsters out there, and, Hummers in general lend themselves to making nice mobile communication command centers.

Rick Crider KD4FXA
Monroe NC
95 diesel wagon

At 05:01 AM 9/27/96 +0000, you wrote:
>Attention radio operators.  After reading some of info lately it seems that some
>of you have all of this equipment and no Ham license.  What's the deal?  Can I
>go out and buy a pile of radios, mount them in my truck and talk away? 

Absolutely NOT! Not only will you piss off the licensed HAMs, but they take great pains to track down such illegal users and turn them in to the FCC, which will result in seizure of your radio equipment, heavy fines, and the odd jail sentence.

You can install all the radios you want, but you just can't transmit on them until you are licensed.

It's been suggested that HUMMER owners get a VHF license for the General Mobile Radio Service, which requires a pretty simple license application, and the HUMMER owner's association has "established" some common frequencies, though I don't know if they (or anyone else) actually have a license. What would be nice is some kind of "fleet license" for the clubs, but the administration of such things are pretty time-consuming and can be hard to get.

However, there are licenses now available for "family communications" which require minimal paperwork, and if we all agree on common frequencies, then we can talk when we get together....sort of....

I strongly caution anyone against succumbing to the blandishments of truck-stop salesmen or R/S salesmen who imply that you can buy a 10 meter rig and tune it up on CB... the FCC is quite vigorous about prosecuting such abuses, and they use the latest in transmitter tracking and "fingerprinting" tools which give them proof positive that a particular transmitter made an illegal transmission.

In fact, there's a motion before the FCC now to permit states to enforce the "illegal CB" statutes, which may well include seizing any 10 M rig found in a commercial truck if the owner is not a licensed HAM, just like they can automatically seize any 11 meter (cb) linear amplifiers, which are "contraband" unless you are a licensed HAM. Just having a CB antenna might become PC for them to stop and search you, and in many states, radios which can be modified to be scanners on police bands are illegal, and they will seize them, unless you can produce an amateur radio license. In a couple of states, even Hams are not immune, though the ARRL is trying to get a preemption through the FCC to stop this kind of harassment.

If you aren't a HAM, become don't need to learn Morse code for the "no-code tech" license, valid above 220 Mhz, just some basic radio theory.

Until then, stick with type-accepted CB's and cell phones, unless you get a commercial license.


Scott Weiser

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